Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tasting - Fat Cat Chardonnay

Name: Fat Cat Chardonnay

Variety: Unlisted
Region: Napa, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: $9.99

Winery Review: Bright and crisp as a bebop band, our straw-colored Chardonnay is in perfect harmony with fresh fruit flavors, hints of vanilla and butterscotch, and delicate apple and peach finish notes. You dig?

My Review: This Chardonnay was immediately better than the last one, but that's not saying much... It smelled like jasmine, and the first sip was crisp and citrus-y. I got peaches in the midpalate, and the fruit flavors were strong through the aftertaste. I guess Chardonnay just isn't my thing, as it still smelled kinda rank, despite the cheeses and meats.

Tasting - Rex Goliath Chardonnay

Name: Rex Goliath Chardonnay

Variety: "Mostly Chardonnay"
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $4.99

Winery Review: Rex Goliath Chardonnay is a true sun-kissed Chardonnay with bold aromas of apple and pear, combined with the classic spices of Grandma's apple pie. Tropical fruit, pineapple and melon flavors combine with well-integrated layers of crème brûlée and a smattering of vanilla.

My Review: Blegh. From nose to finish, this wine was just gross. It smelled like cat pee, and the first sip was very similar. The midpalate was flowery, but somewhat dry, and the aftertaste just felt spoiled. The sharp cheeses and pepperoni helped this wine a bit, but not enough to keep me from pouring it out.

Tasting - Barefoot Pink Moscato

Name: Barefoot Pink Moscato

Variety: Unlisted
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013 (nonvintage)
Price: $13.99

Winery Review: Barefoot Pink Moscato is a juicy and refreshing wine with ripe nectarine aromas and flavors. Layers of raspberry and pomegranate complement the lingering, sweet citrus finish.

My Review: This was a favorite brought by one of the lady-guests, but I've got no shame saying it became one of my own, simply because it tasted like a treat. On the nose, it smelled kind of like raspberries, and the first sip was very fruity. The midpalate was fizzy and citrus-y, and less flowery than the German wine. The aftertaste was sweet and crisp, and tasted great with the cheeses and crackers.

Tasting - Escher Haus Liebfraumilch

Name: Escher Haus Liebfraumilch

Variety: Riesling Blend
Region: Rheinhessen
Country: Germany
Year: 2013
Price: $13.99

Winery Review: The vines of Rheinhessen Germany flourish in the warm, sunny mineral enriched soils. Proud of his heritage, Escher grew his grapes to match; slightly sweet with a bright character. Ripe fruit flavors and aromas of peaches and pears round out this traditional German Liebraumilch.

My Review: On the nose, this "Beloved Mother's Milk" smelled deliciously sweet, like a riesling, and somewhat fruity. The first sip was fizzy and light, tasting like flowers yet tart. The midpalate was sweet and fruity, and the aftertaste was very refreshing. This wine paired well with the colby jack cheese.

Tasting - Yellow Tail Shiraz (Seeing Double!)

Name: Yellow Tail Shiraz

Variety: 100% Shiraz
Region: Yenda, South Eastern Australia
Country: Australia
Year: 2014
Price: $6.99

Winery Review: Ripe cherries and strawberries, spice, vanilla aromas. This bold Shiraz wine is well balanced with earthy tones and lingering fruit on the tongue.

My Review: This Shiraz packed a punch, and we started our wine night by breaking this open and immediately drinking some. The nose carried a dark, pomegranate smell, and the first sip tasted sharp like cranberries. The midpalate felt dry, and the aftertaste was oak-y with hints of vanilla. This wine tasted great with the pepperoni.
For part two, we brought out the exact same bottle, but it had been opened and poured into a bowl two hours earlier. Comparing its taste to the first bottle, the results were as expected, but way more pronounced that I'd predicted: the "aged" wine was MUCH more refreshing, fruity, and sweeter. The tannic bite was more faint, and the overall product was tastier in my opinion.

Taste ALL The Wines!

Soooooooo, I had the brilliant idea of starting a wine tasting group within my fraternity, meeting right after class every Tuesday and Thursday. Our first was this week, and overall, I'd say it was a great success! Everyone brought a bottle, I picked up a cheese tray and some pepperoni, and we cracked a handful open trying different varieties, vintages, prices, and even trying the same exact wine twice... but opening one a couple hours before the tastings began. I learned a lot about my palate, my friends, and my preferences in wine, and I hope these nights continue...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tasting - Inniskillin Icewine

Name: Inniskillin Icewine

Variety: Vidal Icewine (Not Oak-Aged)
Region: Niagara Peninsula, Ontario
Country: Canada
Year: 2011
Price: $7.45 / 50mL bottle

Winery Review: Vidal is a hybrid (Ugni Blanc and Seibel) that has a thick skin suitable for harvesting late in the season. It is the grape grown most for Icewine in Ontario.  It’s good natural acidity gives great structure to the lusciousness of its tropical aromas and flavors of mango and lychee.  Inniskillin Vidal Icewine is made in two distinct styles: without oak aging for fresh fruit emphasis, and with oak aging for added complexity.

My Review: During a walking tour in Quebec City, our guide informed us about the fame and intricacies involving icewines; that the grapes are left on the vines late into the fall until the snows come and are crushed while frozen. This was probably the most expensive wine I've ever purchased, because at $7.45 for a 50mL bottle, that means a full 750mL bottle would likely cost well over $100. That said, they pretty much have a monopoly on this market, as the grape variety and climate combo is unique to a handful of places around the world, so I guess they can charge what they want!
On the nose, I actually got the aroma of stale cat pee. I was taken aback because I was expecting sweet fruit flavors like the baby bottle described. That said, the first sip was incredibly sweet, like children's Juicy-Juice boxes. The midpalate was a strong Welch's-white-grape-juice-taste, and the aftertaste completely changed into a honeyed, vanilla flavor. It was definitely an experience I enjoyed, despite being a roller coaster the whole way, and I savored this delight without food.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Tasting - Special Feature - Chila 'Orchata Cinnamon Cream Rum

Name: Chila 'Orchata Cinnamon Cream Rum

Variety: Horchata with Rum
Region: Louisville, Kentucky
Country: United States
Year: Unlisted
Price: $17.90

Distillery Review: A blend of Virgin Islands Rum, real dairy cream, and a sprinkle of exotic cinnamon.

My Review: This was the one bottle of alcohol we carried across the border duty-free, and I bought it based on a different variety I'd tasted a year earlier during a trip to St. Croix (Cruzan Velvet Cinn). Both rums were made with Horchata, a cinnamon-rice-milk-based non-alcoholic drink of Latin/Spanish origins I believe, and both rums were delicious on their own or mixed. I had this drink over ice, and added a bit of milk to make it smoother to drink.
On the nose, my concoction definitely had the scents of cinnamon and vanilla, and the first sip was creamy and warm. The more I delve into this, the spicier it became, leaving me with a heated, coffee-reminiscent aftertaste. I had this drink without food. Compared to Velvet Cinn, I think this one has too much alcohol-flavors while that one masked it well, and I'm still looking for places to buy my Cruzan rum, which has been virtually impossible to find since leaving the island.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tasting - Lulu B. Rosé

Name: Lulu B. Rosé

Variety: Rosé; 65% Grenache, 15% Carinena, 10% Mourvèdre, 10% Cinsault
Region: Languedoc
Country: France
Year: 2013
Price: $7.99

Winery Review: Join me in a glass that is rich, silky soft and delicious. Pairs well with... chit chat.

My Review: The other bottle we bought at Vin en Vrac, the nose of this one was very flowery. The first sip was light and fruity, but that soon led to a bland midpalate that was somewhat dry. The aftertaste was sweet with hints of apricot. We sipped this selection without food.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tasting - Desire Mist Wine Beverage

Name: Desire Mist Tropical Fruit

Hmm...I wonder who picked out this one.
Variety: I don't even know
Region: Montreal, Quebec
Country: Canada
Year: Unlisted
Price: $5.99

Winery Review: Tropical fruits flavoured wine beverage. Lightly sparkling.

My Review: So this was one of the wines picked up at the checkout counter at the bulk wine store, and I was imagining a wine reminiscent of fruits, but no, they literally dumped fruit juices into an unknown varietal of wine and called it a day. The outcome? On the nose, it had some pineapple, caribbean aromas, and the first sip was fizzy and weird. If I wasn't expecting wine, it would have been a great wine-cooler, but was definitely not wine. The midpalate was sweet and peachy, leading into a refreshing aftertaste. I tried this beverage without food.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tasting - Jacob's Creek Moscato

Name: Jacob's Creek Moscato

Variety: Moscato
Region: Southern Australia
Country: Australia
Year: 2013
Price: $6.97

Winery Review: Jacob's Creek Moscato is a deliciously refreshing 'frizzante' style wine delicately spritzed with vibrant sherbert flavors balanced with a lively and soft fruit sweetness.

My Review: Found at the local SAQ, this bubbly wonder was a great contrast to the tundra we've been staying in, and the nose definitely had some lemon aromas. The first sip was citrusy leading to a crisp midpalate that hinted of peaches. The fruity aftertaste was sweet and clean, and this wine was perfect alone; no food was paired today.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Break Special!

Hi-ho Rosey-readers! Just an update as to where Marylee and I went this spring break...and you get 3 guesses. The beach? A cruise? Anywhere down south? NOPE! Try the opposite; we headed to wonderful wintry CANADA! Why you might ask? Just because. Really. She said, "Hey wanna go to Canada?" I replied, "Sure." And thus led us hundreds of miles from pretty much any other Hokie migrants! So long story short, we went to Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City, and here are some of the highlights:

Wine Tasting / Beer Flights on the first night!
Dunno if this is up to my standards...
We tried 3 flights of 3 wines each and a flight of 6 beers. Oh, and some food haha, we had curly fries.
But we were more interested in the drank. Here's what we tasted and some comments on each:
  • Wonder from Down Under (Australian)
    • Shiraz / Cabernet, Angove
    • Merlot, Tall Poppy, Victoria
    • Pinot Noir, Wyndam Estate
    • Comments: Shiraz was hot and peppery, and I liked it. Merlot and Pinot were more tame.
  • Italian Romance
    • Chianti, Leonardo, Vinci and Cerreto
    • Primitivo, Piantaferro
    • Montepulciano d'Abruzo, Masciarelli
    • Comments: First-time Chianti, and it was definitely fruity and spicy. Wasn't a fan of the Montepulciano, but it was better than the one last week. Primitivo was my favorite, and it had a big chocolatey body.
  • Tour de France
    • Chardonnay, Miquel, Languedoc
    • Sauvignon Blanc, Lurton, Bordeaux
    • Muscadet Sevre et Maine, Loire
    • Comments: The Chardonnay was interesting, with mild melon and spice aromas, while the Bordeaux was potent with grapefruits and bitter flavors. The Muscadet was dry but crisp, and not what I was expecting since it sounded like Moscato.
Wine labels are pretty cool table decor.
  • Bonus! Beer tastings:
    • Steamwhistle Pilsner - quality Pilsner, was pale and crisp, plenty of hops and citrus.
    • Perth Honey Lager - Marylee liked this one, I thought it was a little too light.
    • Mill St. Lemon Tea - light, refreshing, enjoyable, but not what I want in a beer.
    • Ashton Coffee Porter - huge coffee flavors, almost overpowered the beer.
    • Spearhead Moroccan Brown Ale - not too hoppy, but full flavored, second favorite.
    • Old North Mocha Porter - intense, chocolatey, dark enough to be a meal, my favorite.
Other fun parts of our trip:
Hmm, this looks like wine, let's check it out!

Finding what we thought was going to be a wine super-warehouse, Vin en Vrac was actually a bulk wine distributer, selling only by-the-case or self-service-filling of bottles from a tap!

Snagged from this link, thank you Google images
Since we weren't about to drop a couple hundred dollars in a place that only spoke French (hello, Quebec), we grabbed a couple solo bottles at the check-out counter and continued further into the frozen, snowy north of North America.

Next comes a Canadian snow-tubing park built on ski slopes. 

They tried to make a waterpark in Canada, but soon found out it was too cold. The solution?
Turn your slide into this snowy deathtrap! The safer slide we found was at the ice castle.

Of course we had to treat ourselves to the ice bar, with glasses made straight out of ice.

On the drive back home, we saw these goodies, which sounded pretty gross.
Ended up buying them, and the sure were bad. I ate them anyways.

It was an amazing time had by all, but seeing this was definitely a relief after 5 days in America's hat.
Until next time, eh?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tasting - Doukenie, Hope's Legacy Dessert Wine

Name: Doukenie - Hope's Legacy Dessert Wine

Variety: 70% Red Wine, 30% Raspberry Wine
Region: Virginia
Country: US
Year: 2013
Price: $24.00

Winery Review: This blend of fresh raspberry wine and rich, aged red wine creates a remarkable blend that is both sweet and grand - a reflection of the wine's namesake and Doukenie's daughter, Hope Bazaco.

My Review: On the nose, I smelled blackberries and chocolates. The first sip was sweet as candy, and the midpalate was juicy, with hints of deep currants and spices. The aftertaste was smooth, but this wine too rich to have more that one glass of. I did not pair this dessert wine with any food.

Tasting - 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon

Name: 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon

Variety: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: Washington
Country: US
Year: 2012
Price: $12.00

Winery Review: The 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon features aromas of blueberries and black currants with subtle hints of dried herbs and spice. Dark stone fruit flavors are complemented by a touch of cocoa and accentuated by fine, velvety tannins.

My Review: I've probably had this wine 20 times before with my parents, (maybe not this vintage) and they buy it by the dozen, but this was the first time I've actually tasted it.. so here goes:
I smelled raspberries on the nose, and the first sip was almost medicine-y like Benadryl and cranberry-like. The midpalate had strong flavors of red fruits and cleaning supplies, and the aftertaste hinted of cherries. I had crispy chicken breast with this wine, and looking back, my descriptions don't sound appealing at all, but it was quite enjoyable haha.

Tasting - Poggio al Tufo Rompicollo

Name: Poggio al Tufo Rompicollo

Variety: 60% Sangiovese, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: San Pietro in Cariano
Country: Italy
Year: 2012
Price: $15.99

Winery Review: This blend of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon comes from a single-vineyard site called Rompicollo, which benefits from a Southern exposure, ample sunlight, and a volcanic soil rich in tufo rock. Offering an intense bouquet of ripe red cherries and other mature red fruits, the wine is well-balanced with good structure and length.

My Review: On the nose, I could definitely cranberries. The first sip brought hints of raisins and plums, and the midpalate was a contrast of pears and sundried tomatos. The aftertaste was hot with orangy/citrus flavors, and the overall experience was enjoyable, but probably would have been enhanced by meats or cheeses.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tasting - Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo (Sake)

Name: Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo
Variety: Junmai Daiginjo Sake
Country: Japan
Year: ?
Price: $27.99

Winery Review: Gracious fruity aromais the key offering of Kikusui Junmai Daiginjo. It flows silky smooth, with a hint of green apple. Best paired with light Sashimi such as white fish and Amaebi. Perfect as a gift to show your gratitude to someone special. Type: Junmai Daiginjo. Taste: Clean and dry. Serving suggestions: Best served chilled. Also good at room temperature. Alcohol content 15%.

My Review: I had this sake at room temperature, and it was actually a gift my roommate received and shared. At first whiff, this drink smelled like candy and peaches. I took a sip and could only think of cactus juice, or a nectar of some type. I had no idea how to properly drink sake, so I took it like a normal table wine. In the midpalate, the sake was bittersweet, and made my mouth pucker a little, but was not overbearing and definitely wasn't as strong as I had imagined sake to be. The aftertaste was ironically grapelike, and left a warm glow in my mouth. I did not consume this wonderful drink with food, but it did make me want sushi.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tasting - Dragani Montepulciano D'Abruzzo

Name: Dragani Montepulciano D'Abruzzo
Variety: 100% Montepulciano
Region: Abruzzo
Country: Italy
Year: 2011
Price: $5.99

Winery Review: Ruby red & purple hints; ripe fruit aroma, black cherry & plum with a touch of coffee; full flavour tannin and medium length finish.

My Review: When I sniffed this wine, I smelled pepper and black tea, with a faint bit of plum flavors in the back. The first sip was actually a disappointment, as the wine tasted pale and watery on my tongue. The midpalate tasted bitter like sourdough bread, and the aftertaste was acidic like vinegar. This wine was not reminiscent of the Italian wine I tried in Rome, but like watered down, spoiled grape juice, and I didn't even try it with food. I'll have to try another Montepulciano sometime...