Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tasting - Fat Cat Chardonnay

Name: Fat Cat Chardonnay

Variety: Unlisted
Region: Napa, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: $9.99

Winery Review: Bright and crisp as a bebop band, our straw-colored Chardonnay is in perfect harmony with fresh fruit flavors, hints of vanilla and butterscotch, and delicate apple and peach finish notes. You dig?

My Review: This Chardonnay was immediately better than the last one, but that's not saying much... It smelled like jasmine, and the first sip was crisp and citrus-y. I got peaches in the midpalate, and the fruit flavors were strong through the aftertaste. I guess Chardonnay just isn't my thing, as it still smelled kinda rank, despite the cheeses and meats.

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