Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tasting - Rapidan River Apple Wine

Name: Madria Sangria Moscato

Variety: Grape wine with apple juices added
Region: Leon, Virginia
Country: United States
Year: Unlisted
Price: $4.99

Winery Review: This delicious sweet wine is full of ripe Apple fruitiness. Enjoy this wine chilled with your favorite game or pork recipe. This wine also goes beautifully with baked brie.

My Review: I picked up a few of these Rapidan River fruit wines to try, mainly because they were 5 bucks a pop. On this one's nose, I sensed hints of, wait for it, APPLE, and maybe a little bit of peaches. Compared to the other apple-wine I've tried (That Stuff Tony Makes, see March 3rd post), this one smelled more like red autumn apples, compared to the green candy-like apple aromas in Tony's wine. The first sip was sweet, but surprisingly not artificial tasting, and reminded me of a cold cider. The midpalate was pale and easy, leading into a mild aftertaste that wasn't too dry or bitter. I tried this wine without food, and eagerly await the other three RR fruit wines to compare with.

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